World History Quotes
Homer - 8th Century BC
Anacharsis - 6th Century BC
Heraclitus c.540 - c.480 BC
Sophocles c.496 - 406 BC
Pericles c.495 - 429 BC
Protagoras - b. c.485 BC
Euripides c.485 - 406 BC
Agathon c.445 BC
Socrates 469 - 399 BC
Hippocrates c.460 - 357 BC
Plato 429 - 347 BC
Diogenes c.400 - c.325 BC
Aristotle 384 - 322 BC
Alexander the Great 356 - 323 BC
Euclid - c.300 BC
Archimedes c.287 - 212 BC
Ancient Rome - BC
Cato the Elder 234 - 149 BC
Cicero 106 - 43 BC
Julius Caesar 100 - 44 BC
Lucretius c.94 - 55 BC
Catullus c.84 - 54 BC
Horace 65 - 8 BC
Roman Empire - AD
Ovid 43 BC - c.17 AD
Emperor Augustus 63 BC - 14 AD
Emperor Vespasian 9 - 79 AD
Tacitus c.56 - c.177 AD
Emperor Hadrian 76 - 138 AD
Marcus Aurelius 121 - 180 AD
Emperor Constantine c.288 - 337
Dark and Middle Ages
Pope Gregory the Great c.540 - 604
The Venerable Bede 673 - 735
Pope Gregory VII c.1020 - 1085
Henry II 1133 - 1189
Magna Carta - 1215
Stephen Langton - d.1228
Dante Alighieri 1265 - 1321
Geoffrey Chaucer c.1343 - 1400
Edward III 1312 - 1377
Reformation and Renaissance
Erasmus c.1469 - 1536
Cesare Borgia 1476 - 1507
Leonardo da Vinci 1452 - 1519
Niccolò Machiavelli 1469 - 1527
Cardinal Wolsey c.1475 - 1530
Martin Luther 1483 - 1546
Emperor Charles V 1500 - 1558
St. Ignatius Loyola 1491 - 1556
Henri IV 1553 - 1610
England: 15th, 16th, 17th Centuries
Erasmus c.1469 - 1536
Sir Thomas More 1478 - 1535
Henry VIII 1491 - 1547
James V (of Scotland) 1512 - 1542
Elizabeth I 1533 - 1603
Mary Queen of Scots 1542 - 1587
Sir Francis Drake c.1540 - 1596
Guy Fawkes 1570 - 1606
James I (VI of Scotland) 1566 - 1625
Robert Bruce 1554 - 1631
Oliver Cromwell 1599 - 1658
Charles I 1600 - 1649
Charles II 1630 - 1685
Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution
Galileo Galilei 1564 - 1642
René Descartes 1596 - 1650
Thomas Hobbes 1588 - 1679
John Locke 1632 - 1704
Sir Isaac Newton 1642 - 1727
Philippe Néricault Destouches 1680
- 1754
David Hume 1711 - 1776
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712 - 1778
Frederick the Great 1712 - 1786
Empress Catherine the Great 1729 - 1796
Immanuel Kant 1724 -1804
Bishop Samuel Horsley 1733 - 1806
Enlightenment - Voltaire
Voltaire 1694 - 1778
French Revolution / Napoleon Era
Charles Alexandre de Calonne 1734 - 1802
Maximilien Robespierre 1758 - 1794
Napoléon I 1769 - 1821
Pierre, Baron de Cambronne 1770 - 1842
Duke of Wellington 1769 - 1852
Modern Europe History - 1800s
Sir William Hamilton 1788 - 1856
Prince Otto von Bismarck 1815 - 1898
Alexis de Tocqueville 1805 - 1859
Karl Marx 1818 - 1883
Nicholas I of Russia 1796 - 1855
E. K. Freeman 1823 - 1892

Queen Victoria 1819 - 1901
Europe and Asia - 1900s
Joseph Chamberlain 1836 - 1914
Prince Bernard von Bülow 1849 - 1929
Emperor Wilhelm II 1897 - 1941
Lenin (Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov) 1870 -
Ludwig Wittgenstein 1889 - 1951
Leon Trotsky 1879 - 1940
Joseph Stalin 1879 - 1953
Neville Chamberlain 1869 - 1940
Adolf Hitler 1889 - 1945
Mao Tse-tung 1893 - 1976
Europe - Winston Churchill
Sir Winston Churchill 1874 - 1965
American History
America in the
1700s - Ben Franklin
Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1790
America in the 1700s
Patrick Henry 1736 - 1799
John Adams 1735 - 1826
Samuel Adams 1722 - 1803
Nathan Hale 1755 - 1776
John Paul Jones 1747 - 1792
Thomas Paine 1737 - 1809
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson 1743 - 1826
United States - 1800s
John Quincy Adams 1767 - 1848
Francis Scott Key 1779 - 1843
Daniel Webster 1782 - 1852
Horace Greeley 1811 - 1872
Philip Henry Sheridan 1831 - 1888
General Sherman 1820 - 1891
Andrew Carnegie 1835 - 1919
Abraham Lincoln and US Civil War
Abraham Lincoln 1809 - 1865
John Wilkes Boothe 1829 - 1865
US - 1800s - Mark Twain
Mark Twain 1835 - 1910

America - Early 1900s / World War I
Theodore Roosevelt 1858 - 1919
Woodrow Wilson 1856 - 1924
H. G. Wells 1866 - 1946
Calvin Coolidge 1872 - 1933
US 20th-Century and World War II
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882 - 1945
General Douglas MacArthur 1880 - 1964
Wendell Willkie 1892 - 1944
J. Robert Oppenheimer 1904 - 1967
Orson Welles 1915 - 1985
Dwight D. Eisenhower 1890 - 1969
Harry S. Truman 1884 - 1972
American Pop Culture
Thomas Alva Edison 1847 - 1931
Henry Ford 1863 - 1947
Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955
Mae West 1892 - 1980
W. C. Fields 1880 - 1946
Groucho Marx 1895 - 1977
Eleanor Roosevelt 1884 - 1962
Stanley Kubrick 1928 - (1999?)
Andy Warhol 1927 - 1987
Alfred Hitchcock 1899 - 1980
Gerald Ford 1909 -