Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Advanced Placement European
- Class Policy -
Writing Assignments, Exams and Other Activities
Text, Study Guide and Supplemental Reading Assignments
Weekly chapter and study guide assignments will be given one week
in advance of the time the subjects covered in the chapters will be
considered in class. Supplemental readings will be assigned regularly
during the weekly course of study.
Essay Writing Assignments
During the course of each quarter there will be three formal free-response
or document based essay writing assignments. Final Drafts will be
completed on word processor or typed.
Critical Book Reviews
During each quarter a critical review of a book selected by the teacher
or of the studentÕs choice will be assigned. CBRs are considered formal
writing assignments and will be completed on word processor or typed.
Additional Assignments
In addition to the above students will be given a variety of other
assignments, some completed in class, some completed outside of class.
Tests and Quarter Examinations
Each week there will be a 25 question quiz over material covered in
class, the text, and the supplemental readings.
Quarter Examination
One major exam will be given each quarter. The quarter exam will be
taken over a two day period and will consist of two sections; a 100
question / 200 point multiple choice test; a 100 point free-response
essay test wherein students will select two essays from a list of
six choices.
From The Prince
"Anyone who determines to
act in all circumstances the part of a good man must come to
ruin among so many who are not good. Hence, if a prince wishes
to maintain himself, he must learn how not to be good, and to
use tht ability or not as is required."
"The experience of our times
shows that the princes who have done great things are the ones
who have taken little account of their promises and who have
known how to addle the brains of men with their craft."
"If men were all good, this
advice would not be good, but since men are wicked and do not
keep their promises to you, you likewise do not have to keep
your promises to them."
"So far as he is able, a
prince should stick to the path of good but, if the necessity
arises, he should know how to follow
Niccolo Machiavelli
Additonal Course Info / AP Class Policy
| AP European History Syllabus: Quarter 1
| Quarter 2 | Quarter
3 |
| Writing Assignments, Exams, Critical Book
Reviews, More |
| AP Booklist and Fees |
Back to top of page
- AP Modern European History
in Depth -
Lecture Notes and Further Reading
| Methods and Rules for a Prince: How Should
a Prince Rule? |
| Borg vs Hick: Theories on Jesus and Christianity
| Kant's Epistemological Model and Religious
Pluralism |
Liberating Dachau
| World War II - Dachau Concentration Camp
Complex |
| Unanswered Questions: The Railroad Boxcars
| I Company Recollections and Quotes
| Liberating Dachau: The 42nd Division at
the Jourhaus |
Dachau, Germany
| Dachau: WWII Concentration Camp
Memorial | 2 |
3 |
Related Information
| Poems
and Prose From the 8th - 15th Centuries | 1
| 2 |
| Marseillaise, the National Anthem
of France:
A Modern-day Controversy | Sacré
Phew! |
AP Class Activities
| Play the Role of Philip II |
| Visual Interpretations - French Revolution
Art |
| "Ism" Maps of Europe and Asia
| Industrial Revolution: England's Advantage
| Marx and Tocqueville | America's
Entry Into World War I |
Trials - Simulations
| Trial of Martin Luther | Trial
of Adolf Hitler |
Helpful Information for Students
| AP Essay Writing Skills |
| Student-Developed Class Presentation Topics
Debate Information
| Guide: Individual Debate Position |
Debate Self Evaluation |
| Existence of God | Catherine
the Great or Frederick the Great |
| Locke - Hobbes | Voltaire
or Rousseau |