
Mr. Sedivy's
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Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Rise of Nation State England
- The Celts -
Celtic Culture, Trade, Religion, Women
Celtic Culture
Manching, the capital of Bavaria, had a 4.5-mile wall around it. Manching
was 1000 acres, nearly as big as Rome.
They traded grain from 160 storage pits. The Celts smelted and smithed
iron and copper. They tanned hides, milled flour, produced colored
glass pottery, and mined gold and salt.
Religion was another bond of Celtic society. Each tribe had its own
deities and cults. There were hundreds of gods and goddesses, but
their roles and rites had much in common.

The Druids had a considerable influence. They forecasted the future,
educated the young nobility, and conserved old traditions. Once a
year they met in a tribal assembly called Chartres. They settled disputes
between nobles and conflicts between tribes and enforced through the
treat of "excommunication."
In Switzerland in the Bernese Alps, archeologists found a well-preserved
early Celtic ship 70 yards off shore. They excavated a 60-foot single-masted
cargo vessel. Big flat bottom barges like this could sail all the
way to the Mediterranean Sea or to the North Sea from the Alps. Celts
were first robber barons on major rivers charging tolls.
The Black Forest headwaters of the Rhine, Rhone, and
Danube are only 15 miles apart. The Rhine is 820 miles long, the Danube
is 1776 miles, and the Rhone is 505 miles. All three of these were
Celtic trade routes.
Ancient Celtic Women
When Queen Boudicca of the Iceni took the warpath in her chariot,
she shredded Roman legions and burned Londinium (Roman London) to
the ground. Here's what Roman historian, Ammianus Marcelinus, says
of the gentler sex:
"A Gallic woman,
fighting beside her man, is a match for a whole troop of foreigners.
Steely-eyed ... she swells her neck, gnashes her teeth, flexes her
huge white biceps, and rain wallops and kicks as though from the twist
cords of a catapult."
The War Horse and Chivalry
The "war horse" with bronze bits and harness, was central in Celtic
society. The Celtic horseman wore trousers, which startled the Roman
eyes. A warrior's horse was his badge of nobility. Commoners fought
on foot. The Celtic knight foreshadowed the feudal knight - The name
"Chivalry" comes from "Cheval" (French for horse).
Ancestors of the Celts
We know about ancestors of Celtic people (before the time of the Greeks
and Romans) by their burial practices through archaeological excavations.
In Austria during 1846, systematic excavation revealed 2000 Iron Age
graves - the greatest assemblage then know. It yielded long, heavy
swords, daggers, axes, cauldrons, pottery, and jewelry with striking
geometric and animal motifs.
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Mr. Sedivy's Lecture Notes
& Historical Info
The Celts
| Gallic He-Men | Celtic
Culture, Trade, Religion, Women |
| Threat of the Celts - Celtic Battles and
Conquests |
- Rise of Nation State England -
| Roman Conquest of Britain | Christianity
in Britain |
| Customs: Thanes, Churls, Thralls, Wergeld,
Folk-Moot |
| Dark Ages: Alfred the Great, Edward the
Elder, Athelstan |
| The Return of the Vikings |
| Kings of Britain: Aethelred, Cnut, Edward
the Confessor |
| Bayeaux Tapestry, William the Conqueror,
Edward the Confessor, Harold Godwinson, Harold II |
| The Crusades: Richard Lion Heart, Pope
Urban |
| King John, Innocent III, Archbishop Stephen
Langton |
| Magna Carta / First Parliament |
Wales and Scotland
| Wales: Edward I, Llewellyn, Snowdonia
| Scotland: Alexander III, John Balliol,
William Wallace, Robert Bruce, King Edward II |
The 100 Years War
| Edward III, Longbows at Crecy, Edward IV,
Black Prince |
| Henry V, King Charles VI, Battle at Calais,
Treaty of Troyes |
More Information
| Other Kings of the Dark and Middle Ages:
William II, Henry I, Henry II |
| The
British Monarchy's Peerage: Dukes, Viscounts,
Marquess, Earls, Baronets, and Barons |
Class Activities
Roman Conquest Comparison
Battle of Agincourt
Related Information
Mr. Sedivy's World History - The Middle
The Complete Bayeux Tapestry
Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages
/ Crusades
The Hundred Years War
King Henry VIII
The Interesting
Life of Elizabeth I
The Stuarts - James I, Charles I, Charles
II, James II
Oliver Cromwell