Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado

People of Ancient Greece:
The Minoans and Myceneans
About the People
Small, dark skin, and long dark hair.
Men wore striped loincloths, long flowery robes, or pants that bagged
at the knees.
Women wore full skirts and jackets and lots of jewelry.
Men farmed and fished.
Women performed household duties, attended sporting events, and
hunted in chariots.
Loved sports, especially boxing and bull-leaping. In bull-leaping
men and women fought the bull together. The man grabbed the horns,
the bull would toss him, he would somersault through the air, and
the woman was supposed to catch him. Possibly a religious ceremony.
Copied Minoans.
Lots of gold and bronze work, writing, shipbuilding, fashion.
Grew olives, squeezed them for oil. Olives were used for cooking,
lamp fuel, and body rubs.
Mainly warriors. They had bronze armor, metal shields, spears, and
Polytheistic, main goddess - Mother Earth. She made plants grow
and brought children into the world. The people built shrines to
her on hilltops. They believed that hills led to the heavens, and
caves led to the underworld. On the back wall of the shrine were
sacred horns made of clay. The hole between the horns held a double-headed
ax. People left offerings of hair, fruit, flowers, jewels, and gold.
Certain things were sacred such as the lily and snakes.
Most people had snakes in their houses. Since snakes came out of
caves, the people thought they were spirits of the underworld and
would protect the house. The double axe stood for the power of Mother
Earth and the authority of the king.
Same as Minoans.
Great Conquests

According to Homer's poem, Odysseus and other men
from the
Greek army hid inside the wooden horse.
Troy in 1200 BC. Paris, the son of a Trojan King, fell in love with
Helen, the wife of a Mycenean King. Paris took her. The Myceneans
sent 1000 ships to get her back, but couldn't get inside the fortress.
War went on for ten years. The Myceneans built a big wooden horse,
put their best soldiers inside, and the rest sailed away as though
they were quitting. The Trojans thought they had won, and brought
the horse inside. At night, the Myceneans jumped out, opened the
gate, let the Mycenean soldiers in (who had sailed back), and won
the war and took Helen home.
The whole thing was just a legend - it never happened.
Fall of the Minoans and Myceneans
Legend: Homer's Illiad - Theseus and the Minotaur. The Minotaur
had a bull head, body of a man, and lived on Human flesh. Minotaur
came about when the goddess had an affair with a bull. Theseus was
put in the maze and fought the Minotaur with a magical sword and
killed it. The power of the Minoans faded. Reality: Some type of
natural disaster, like an earthquake or volcano, but no one really
knows. Also, they were invaded by the Myceneans.
Dorians (barbarians) conquered the Myceneans. This led to a dark
ages as the Dorians destroyed everything.