Highlands Ranch High School - Mr. Sedivy
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
- Advanced Placement European
History -
French Culture
Historical Champagne and Wine
The lore and trivia that surround Champagne and wine
are fascinating.
Check out the stats:

A la francaise
Because Cognac is aged in wood, more than 19 million bottles of Cognac
evaporate into the air each year over Cognac, France.
France produces one-fifth of all the wine made in the world.
Far more Merlot than Cabernet Sauvignon (nearly a 2-to-1 ratio) is planted
throughout Bordeaux, although we call Cabernet Sauvignon "the Bordeaux
France is the major importer of port (the French take 40 percent of
all port produced), and there it is used as an aperitif.
The average American drinks about one-tenth the wine the average Frenchman
Forty percent of Italy is mountainous. Another 40 percent is hilly.
Grape vines are planted in all of Italy's 20 provinces. That is why
the country, which is 25 percent smaller than the state of California,
produces one-fifth of all the wine made in the world.
Nearly half of the wine imported into the United States is Italian (one-quarter
is French).
There were more wineries in the United States before Prohibition than
there were a dozen years ago (more than 700 in 1920 vs. about 600 in
Commercial wine is made in 48 of the 50 United States.
Ninety percent of all American wine is made in California (8 percent
is made in New York).
Together, Napa and Sonoma counties produce only 9 percent of all California
The wineries of Ernest & Julio Gallo make as much wine in six minutes
as does Chateau Petrus in one year.
Twenty-five percent of the British drink four times as much Champagne
each year as does the entire population of the US.
Miscellaneous Wine Trivia
Wine corks contain 40 million nitrogen-filled cells per cubic centimeter.
A cork can be compressed to half its size and recover its original dimensions
within hours.
All the essential vitamins are found in a glass of wine.
Ninety-five percent of all the wine made each year is consumed before
the next harvest.
Antarctica is the only continent on Earth on which wine is not produced.
There is no commercial winery in Tibet.
As a group, Russia, Georgia and Ukraine are the fourth-largest producer
of wine in the world.
The sixth-largest European wine producer is Romania (after Italy, France,
Spain, Russia and Germany).
More Cognac is consumed in Hong Kong than any city in the world.
Above stats compiled in May 2001.
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- AP Modern European History
in Depth -
Lecture Notes and Further Reading
| Methods and Rules for a Prince: How Should
a Prince Rule? |
| Borg vs Hick: Theories on Jesus and Christianity
| Kant's Epistemological Model and Religious
Pluralism |
Liberating Dachau
| World War II - Dachau Concentration Camp
Complex |
| Unanswered Questions: Discovery of the Railroad
Boxcars |
| I Company Recollections and Quotes |
| Liberating Dachau: The 42nd Division at the
Jourhaus |
Dachau, Germany
| Dachau: WWII Concentration Camp Memorial
| 2 | 3 |
Related Information
| Poems
and Prose From the 8th - 15th Centuries | 1
| 2 |
| Marseillaise, the National Anthem
of France:
A Modern-day Controversy | Sacré
Phew! |
| French Culture: Historical Champagne and
Wine Trivia |
Modern European History Quotes
| Index of Quotes by Speaker / Historical
Period |
| Famous Quotes from the Dark and Middle Ages
| Relevant Quotes from the Reformation and Renaissance
| Quotes from England: 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries
| Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution Quotes
| Voltaire |
| Quotes from the French Revolution and Napoleon
Era |
| Modern European History Quotes from the 1800s
| Quotes from Europe and Asia - 1900s |
Winston Churchill |
| American Quotes from the Early 1900s and World
War I |
| US 20th-Century and World War II Quotes
AP Class Activities
| Play the Role of Philip II |
| Visual Interpretations - French Revolution
Art |
| "Ism" Maps of Europe and Asia
| Industrial Revolution: England's Advantage
| Marx and Tocqueville | America's
Entry Into World War I |
Trials - Simulations
| Trial of Martin Luther | Trial
of Adolf Hitler |
Helpful Information for Students
| AP Essay Writing Skills |
| Student-Developed Class Presentation Topics
Debate Information
| Guide: Individual Debate Position | Debate
Self Evaluation |
| Existence of God | Catherine
the Great or Frederick the Great |
| Locke - Hobbes | Voltaire
or Rousseau |
Additonal Course Info / AP Class Policy
| AP European History Syllabus: Quarter 1
| Quarter 2 | Quarter
3 |
| Writing Assignments, Exams, Critical Book
Reviews, More |
| AP Booklist and Fees |